

Dermaplaning is a simple, quick treatment that can resurface your skin, remove dead skin cells, aid in skin turnover, as well as help prevent acne from forming on the skin. Not only that, but dermaplaning can also aid in the absorption of your current skincare products to help them be more effective. Want your chemical peel and diamond glows to stand out more? A dermaplaning treatment can help enhance those effects, too.

To learn more about dermaplaning and if it’s the right treatment for you, read below!

Benefits of Dermaplaning

  • Improve skin texture
  • Improve skin tone
  • Rejuvenate the skin
  • Increase product absorption
  • Exfoliate
  • Aids in reducing the appearance of acne scars

What To Know About Dermaplaning

How long does it take to see results?

The effects of dermaplaning can be fairly quick to see. The first day, you can expect your skin to be a little red from the treatment, with the best results of vibrant, bright skin visible in a couple of days.

What is dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a procedure in which a small razor is skimmed across the surface of the skin. This allows for more in-depth removal of dead skin cells, debris, and others that can contribute to dull, uneven textured skin and clogged pores.

How often can you have a dermaplaning procedure done?

Unlike many other treatments, you can actually have dermaplaning performed by a professional once every 4 weeks for maximum results. This allows time for your skin to turn over and renew itself.

Book a complementary Aesthetic Consultation Today!

Consults with aestheticians are no cost, consults with physicians and other providers require a deposit.

Same day appointments are available