Tips To Reduce Your Risk Of Skin Cancer

Tips To Reduce Your Risk Of Skin Cancer Blog Home Dermatology Tips To Reduce Your Risk Of Skin Cancer By Apex Skin Surgery Center December 08, 2016 Category: Dermatology Tags: skin protection   skin cancer Learn how to protect yourself from your Cleveland area dermatologist. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. Each year…

Tackling the Teenage Nightmare: Basics about Acne

Tackling the Teenage Nightmare: Basics about Acne Blog Home Uncategorized Tackling the Teenage Nightmare: Basics about Acne By February 27, 2017 Category: Uncategorized Tags: Untagged   You wake up in the morning and there it is: a huge zit in the middle of your face. It seems like no amount of concealer can cover…

Make Your Acne Scars a Thing of the Past

Acne scars can make you feel self-conscious about the way you look long after you’ve conquered acne. Fortunately, dermatologists offer a variety of treatments that will eliminate the scars or make them less noticeable. Jorge Garcia-Zuazaga, M.D.; Tracy Ringo, D.O.; Brian Moore, M.D.; and Amy Polster, M.D.; your Cleveland dermatologists, share information about six treatment…

Exclusive winery master class

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