Cosmetic Dermatology

The Mid-Section Struggle: Your Guide to a Slimmer Waistline with CoolSculpting

If you have ever searched for “how to get a slimmer stomach” online, you are certainly not aloneMore than half of Americans follow some kind of diet to lose belly weight, and the demographics are super interesting. Exposure to social media seems to increase the desperation people feel as they search for a reliable stomach slimmer, and Millennials and members of Gen Z are most likely to have tried to lose weight based on what they see there, although Gen X and Boomers, particularly women, are not far behind in their desire to slim down that belly. What’s more frustrating is that for many of us, no amount of diet and exercise seems to get rid of those last few belly bulges. So, if you’ve done everything you can, and you’re just not seeing the results you desire, we have a little something for you: CoolSculpting. It’s safe, non-invasive, and finishes off those last few pockets of fat once and for all.

Today we will talk to one of our CoolSculpting experts from Apex Skin, Haley Oliver, RN. She’s an Aesthetic Nurse who works in our Cuyahoga Falls and Mayfield Heights locations. She is passionate about aesthetic science, constantly studying for more ways to help our patients get the transformative, radiant, slimming results they have long worked for and dreamed of. She has helped hundreds of our patients by using CoolSculpting, and it is a fantastic stomach slimmer.

“CoolSculpting can be a great confidence boost when diet and exercise are still leaving behind stubborn areas of fat,” says Oliver. “CoolSculpting treatments can result in up to 20-25% reduction of the stubborn fat in the treated areas. Alongside fat reduction benefits, CoolSculpting treatments are non-invasive, permanent, and require practically zero downtime!”

Why Can’t I Get Rid of This Stubborn Belly Fat?

First of all, let’s address the question on practically everybody’s mind at some point: why on earth can’t I get rid of this belly fat? It’s very common that, regardless of the amount of exercise, the targets of the exercise, and even the healthy diet you’re eating, mid-section fat is just going to… hang out there and be annoying. There are several reasons for this:


Yes, your genetics does, in large measure, affect how and where your body stores fat. And for some people, their genes tell the fat to go to the visceral area around the belly. For others, it might be the hips, the thighs, or the glutes. But you know how genetics work: your sister may be able to slim her tummy down very successfully through diet and exercise, but no matter what you do, you just can’t. You’ve tried everything, and yet that stubborn bulge remains. It’s enormously frustrating! Yet, the endless combinations of genetic variations, even between close family members, are vast. Maybe you take after your great-aunt Hilda, but your sister takes after your great-great-grandfather Bruce. Who knows? Furthermore, genetics isn’t the only factor.


We also know that our metabolism and fat distribution tend to change as we get older. If you used to be able to eat a bowl of ice cream every day when you were in high school without gaining any weight, you know you certainly can’t get those same results as a 30, 40, or 50-year-old. As we age, our bodies tend to switch over to “fat hoarding” mode, and many times, this natural aging process focuses on stashing the fat around the belly.

Hormonal Changes

And speaking of belly fat hoarding, hormonal changes can do that to you too. The menstrual cycle itself often causes weight to shift by a few pounds in the belly area regularly, all on its own. And if you are a woman cruising into perimenopause or menopause, your body may do it even more. During this phase of a woman’s life, estrogen levels tank while androgen levels go up, which can, all by itself, cause belly fat gain.

Hormonal changes can also cause you to crave different kinds of sweet, carby foods that do your health no favors. And regardless of your age, chronic levels of stress and environmental factors can spike levels of a hormone called cortisol, which is essentially your fight-of-flight hormone. It helps your body cope and deal with stressful situations in the moment, but our hectic lifestyles often mean that cortisol hangs around more often than it should, tucking away more belly fat “in case of emergency.” Gee, thanks, cortisol. Chronic stress, therefore, can promote belly fat accumulation as well.

So the question remains: how to get a slimmer stomach even when your genetics, hormones or age are working against you? CoolSculpting to the rescue!

CoolSculpting: A Solution for Stubborn Mid-Section Fat

CoolSculpting, at its core, is the chilling and killing off of fat cells using a precise, controlled range of cold temperatures. After a series of CoolSculpting treatments, those fat cells will be processed and eliminated from your body forever.

“After being fully treated with CoolSculpting, patients will be able to see their results in the mirror and notice their clothes are fitting looser than they did previously,” explains Oliver.

How Does CoolSculpting Work?

Oliver explains the CoolSculpting process we use here at our Apex Skin locations around Northeast Ohio, including Cuyahoga Falls:

“CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved fat reduction treatment that is non-invasive, permanent, and requires zero downtime,” she says. “CoolSculpting uses a process  called cryolipolysis which eliminates fat cells through cold temperatures. This cutting-edge technology allows for precise temperatures to freeze fat cells, leaving the skin and other nearby tissues unharmed. During a CoolSculpting treatment, the area of concern is suctioned into an applicator, chilled anywhere from 35-75 minutes, and then massaged to help break up the dead fat cells. The body then naturally eliminates the dead cells over the course of several weeks leaving behind lasting results.”

And yes, by eliminating dead fat cells, we mean that happens when you go to the bathroom over the next several weeks. You just flush those dead fat cells away, unlike lipsuction where the fat cells can move to other places in your body. They are gone!

Is CoolSculpting Safe?

The reason CoolSculpting is becoming so popular is that, in addition to these positive results, it comes with none of the risks of surgical fat removal like liposuction. It’s non-invasive, so there is no risk of infection or any long surgical healing process. There is also very minimal downtime. Other than your appointment time and some rest afterward, you can get back to your regular activities, all while enjoying this technologically advanced, yet natural stomach slimmer.

In addition to CoolSculpting stomach areas, Oliver mentions that the FDA has approved several other body areas for CoolSculpting fat removal: “CoolSculpting is FDA-approved to treat several areas including the abdomen, under the chin, under the jawline, the upper arms, back fat, bra fat, flanks, thighs, and under the buttocks, also known as the banana roll.”

One of the things patients really like about CoolSculpting is the natural results that appear gradually after the recommended series of treatments. It’s not sudden, but people notice. Best of all, you’ll notice in the mirror, and by the fit of your clothes. And once the fat is gone, it’s gone forever.

How Long Does It Take to See CoolSculpting Results?

“A CoolSculpting treatment ranges anywhere from 35-75 minutes depending on the area or areas being treated, with the total treatment session ranging around 1-3 hours on average,” explains Oliver. “For most patients, I recommend three total treatment sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart from one another.” After that, the fat cells continue to be eliminated for a few weeks afterward.

Any Side Effects or Cautions?

CoolSculpting is revolutionary because it takes so little downtime and carries far fewer risks and side effects than surgical fat-removal techniques like liposuction. But there are some things that patients should be aware of.

“After CoolSculpting treatments, patients can return to their normal day-to-day routines with mild swelling, numbness, and tenderness left behind on the treatment area(s).” says Oliver. “These side effects resolve on their own within a few days to a few weeks.”

And although CoolSculpting is generally considered safe and effective stomach slimmer for a wide range of people, it’s still important to consult with your dermatology provider to determine if you would be a good candidate for the procedure, as Oliver explains: “Patients who would not be good CoolSculpting candidates include those with cold-sensitivity disorders such as Raynaud’s, those who are pregnant, those looking to treat skin laxity, those with visceral fat, those with an active skin infection in the treatment area, and those with current or previous hernia in the treatment area.”

The Mid-Section Makeover: Combining Healthy Habits with CoolSculpting

One of the most important things in deciding whether CoolSculpting is right for you is talking with your dermatology provider. The best results come for people who are already doing what they can to live a healthy lifestyle, but just can’t get rid of stubborn belly fat pockets (and we’ve all been there).

“CoolSculpting is not intended for weight loss,” says Oliver. “It is a body contouring procedure that reduces the fat cells in the treated area or areas. The fat cells being eliminated with CoolSculpting weigh less than a single pound, so while you may look slimmer in the mirror due to the loss of tissue, you will not see significant weight loss on the scale.”

At the core of everything we do here at Apex Skin, we encourage our patients to actively work toward a healthy lifestyle that makes them feel good from the inside out. Good nutrition leads to good results, as does staying hydrated, exercising regularly in a way that makes you feel happy, and getting enough rest and stress relief to keep your cortisol levels down. All of these things together, in combination with CoolSculpting stomach areas, will lead to the very best possible results and satisfaction overall.

After treatment care is also important, stresses Oliver: “Patients should maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Any significant weight gain can compromise the result.”

How to Get a Slimmer Stomach: Realistic Expectations and Results

As Oliver mentioned, CoolSculpting treatments reduce stubborn belly fat by between 20-25% in the treated areas. But, just like genetics, hormones, stress, age, environment, and personal factors all converge to make you the unique individual you are, results can also vary from one individual to the next when it comes to CoolSculpting. Based on extensive discussions with your provider in our dermatology practice, we will create a CoolSculpting plan of 2 to 4 sessions tailored to your needs so that we can help you get your stomach slimmer than it’s been with all of the other hard work you’ve been doing.

Taking Control of Your Mid-Section Makeover

Here at Apex Skin, we understand your struggle with stubborn mid-section fat, and we want to tell you to stop blaming yourself! If you’ve been eating right and exercising and that belly fat just will not budge, we get it! There are so many reasons for it to be there that have nothing to do with factors you can control. You can, however, control this: schedule a consultation at the Apex Skin location closest to you in Northeast Ohio to find out if CoolSculpting is the right way to go for you. Let us guide you through your mid-section makeover journey today!

Haley Oliver, is an aesthetic nurse in our Mayfield and Cuyahoga Falls locations. With a passion for helping others achieve their desired goals, she specializes in providing advanced cosmetic treatments and procedures. Her dedication to ongoing education and staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends allows her to offer the most innovative and scientifically-proven treatments. She developed a love for aesthetics in high school and is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree at the University of Cincinnati.

Haley is deeply committed to delivering optimal outcomes while prioritizing patient safety and satisfaction. Enhancing natural beauty and assisting in the transformative power of aesthetic medicine is her area of expertise. Her goal is to create a pathway for patients looking for a more confident and radiant outcome.

Apex Dermatology