Wanting to reduce fat on your body can be a difficult and daunting process…usually. With newer technology comes methods of fat reduction that are easier than spending months at the gym or on a strict diet—methods like CoolSculpting.
There are other ways to remove fat that don’t require that long process as well, like Liposuction or SculpSure.
But how do you know which is best? We’ll be comparing CoolSculpting to other ways of fat loss so you can make the decision for yourself.
CoolSculpting vs Surgical Fat Loss Options: Liposuction
We’ve all heard of liposuction. It’s a highly effective method of removing fat from your body, however, it also has many more drawbacks than other tactics as it is a surgical method.
Let’s go over some differences between a cold-based non-surgical method of fat removal like CoolSculpting and surgical options.
Physical Risks:
Obviously, with liposuction, you go in for surgery. This is a surgical operation, which means there are risks to going under, potential complications during surgery, and post-op recovery. This method of fat removal is among the highest in the risk category simply because of this.
With CoolSculpting, there is very little risk. Discomfort can be common after the procedure, but that is where the risk ends, because the procedure is quick, simple, and non-invasive.
Liposuction can be a more expensive option for fat loss because of all that’s involved in it: surgery, the operation cost itself, downtime lost by post-surgery recovery.
That said, liposuction is comparable in dollar amount for the overall result you get. But again, you do have recovery time, which means putting your life and work on pause while you recover.
With CoolSculpting, there is no downtime. After your session, you can return to your normal, everyday life.
The benefit of something like liposuction is simply the speed at which you can remove all the fat you want gone. Typically, liposuction is a single procedure you recover from whereas CoolSculpting is most effective if done in 2 rounds of treatment spaced apart over time.
Liposuction does have a limit, though. You can only remove up to 11 pounds of body fat with liposuction before it’s considered to be unsafe. You can remove up to 25% of fat cells in certain areas with CoolSculpting.
Long-Term Results:
This is really what you want to know, right? Of these methods to get rid of fat, which will keep the fat off for good? The truth is that part is up to you. As with any type of fat loss, if you continue poor habits that accumulate fat on your body, fat will return.
Some studies have revealed that with liposuction patients, the fat will accumulate in alternate areas than what was treated.
So the short answer here is: these methods will remove fat, keeping it off is up to you.

CoolSculpting vs Heat-Based Fat Loss Options: SculpSure
A fat loss option like the heat-based SculpSure is more comparable to CoolSculpting, but still very different. While both are devices that don’t require surgery, the methods of both are different.
Where CoolSculpting uses cold temperatures to kill fat cells, SculpSure is a heat-based method of removing fat. Let’s take a look at their differences.
Physical Risks:
As with CoolSculpting, heat-based fat removal comes with fewer risks than surgical methods. A treatment like SculpSure uses hyperthermic lasers to target stubborn fat cells, killing them off. As with CoolSculpting, you’ll be able to return to your normal day’s activities afterward, with no downtime.
Both types of fat loss treatment run very similar in pricing. It just depends on how many treatments you will personally need with each that will dictate the total price.
As with CoolSculpting, results do take longer to see simply because your body has to discard the now-dead fat cells through the lymphatic system. You can expect to see max results for CoolSculpting at 12 weeks post-treatment, and between 14-16 weeks post-treatment with a heat-based fat loss method.
Long-Term Results:
Just like with liposuction or any other fat removal, keeping the fat off is up to you, not necessarily the treatment. The treatments will only target fat that currently exists, so any new addition will not go away on its own.
Fat loss is more possible now than ever before with the many different treatment options available. To learn more about which method is for you or if you’re ready to give CoolSculpting a try, book a free consultation right here!