The Apex Approach to Maskne (and all acne!)

We can all agree that wearing a mask is crucial right now. However, masks do come with their own sets of challenges, despite their necessity.

We’re talking about a very common new phenomenon called “maskne”, which is simply acne breakouts caused by wearing face masks! Most people now are wearing masks at least sometimes, and some of us are wearing them all day long. So all of the sweat and bacteria on our skin and from our mouths is building up under those masks which can certainly cause breakouts.

Luckily, our providers at Apex Skin are acne experts! Dr. Cynthia Lavery Henry shares her expertise to help us with this new skin challenge.



Do you treat maskne the same way as other acne?

We have always gotten similar cases of acne. For example, football players may have a breakout from perspiring under their football helmets, so it’s not really a new type of acne per se, it’s just affecting people differently and more prevalently than they are used to.



So what is the Apex approach to treating acne?

Well first of all, people can get in right away to see us. So when you realize you need a dermatologist’s help, you can come see us as soon as same day.

“When you are here, you’ll have a consult where we’d listen to your concerns and your goals, then we develop a plan for each patient. We are also big on follow ups here to make sure the plan we put in place is working for you! And then when you are completely clear, we can address any acne scarring.”




Are all patients aren’t treated the same for acne?

No, acne doesn’t have a one size fits all solution. There are different types of acne, and patients also have a variety of levels of treatment that they may be comfortable with.

“We assess the skin and also listen to the patient to determine the treatment plan.”



What is an example of an acne treatment plan?

Some things we often do are review patients’ skincare regimens and prescribe medications if needed.

“Our aesthetic nurses can do chemical peels with salicylic acid to more quickly treat acne, and we also have a newer device called Diamond Glow that cleans out the skin and then infuses a serum to help prevent acne.”



Any tips for people who want to prevent maskne to begin with?

Prevention is really the key. Sure, we can treat maskne once in place, but ultimately, your best bet to combat this is by preventing it in the first place.

  • Wear the right mask for your face
  • Only wear a clean mask
  • Wash your face twice every day. Use a gentle cleanser or consider one with salicylic acid for further breakout treatment and prevention
  • Moisturize with a fragrance-free product
  • Avoid heavy makeup underneath the mask




To schedule a same-day appointment to clear or prevent your maskne, request online or call us at 833-279-SKIN


About Dr. Henry

Dr. Henry is a board-certified dermatologist practicing at the Apex Skin Westlake office. Dr. Henry grew up in Medina, OH. From an early age she was influenced by her grandmother, an anesthesiologist who was one of only 4 women in medical school at her time. Dr. Henry observed how important and exciting her grandmother’s interaction with patients was, and the meaningful impact she had on their lives and knew that she would like to impact her community similarly.

After completing undergraduate and masters degrees from Boston University, Dr. Henry determined that her interests led her to a more hands-on application approach to health care. Early on during medical school, she fell in love with dermatology and was determined to go that route. She loves the direct patient care that includes both medical and procedural treatments and offers a diverse patient variety infants through adults.

During her residency in the Greater Detroit area, she saw a variety of cases from cosmetics to general dermatology, and everything in between, and became well practiced in treatments such as sclerotherapy for veins.

Learn more about Dr. Henry here!

Apex Skin