Learn how to protect yourself from your Cleveland area dermatologist.
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. Each year in America, nearly 5 million people are treated for all skin cancers combined.
1. Wear protective clothing. Cover your skin with long-sleeved shirts, pants and a wide-brimmed hat, which provides provides more protection than a visor or baseball cap does. Sunscreen will not provide complete protection from UV rays.
2. Avoid tanning beds. Think tanning beds are safe? Think again. Lights used in tanning beds and booths emit UV rays and increase your risk of developing skin cancer. If you use tanning beds before age 30, your risk of developing melanoma increases by 75 percent. Using self-tanners is safer than obtaining a tan from the ultraviolet radiation that comes from tanning beds.
3. Seek the shade. For many individuals in the United States, the sun’s rays are strongest between about 10 am and 4 pm. Seek the shade whenever possible between these hours. You will reduce your risk of skin cancer by seeking shade under a tree, umbrella or other shelter when you need relief from the sun.
4. Wear sunscreen year-round. Use sunscreens with an SPF 15 or higher. Use a generous amount of sunscreen on all exposed skin, including the tips of your ears, your lips and the back of your neck and hands.
5. Don’t forget your sunglasses. Wear sunglasses year-round whenever you are out in the sun. Look for sunglasses that block both types of ultraviolet radiation — UVB and UVA rays. Sunglasses should block 99-100 percent of both UVB and UVA light.
Most skin cancers can be found early with skin examimations by your physician and by checking your own skin frequently. Don’t take risks with your health. Call Apex Skin in the Cleveland, OH area at (440) 352-7546 today to schedule your skin exam. Skin cancer can be treated with more success if it is found early.